While we welcome photographers of all levels of experience who wish to bring their clients to Trail End for a photo session, there are a few guidelines we would like you follow. Most of them are based on common courtesy and the protection of historic and natural resources.
If you have any questions about these, please don't hesitate to give us a call (307-674-4589) or drop us a line.
More information on holding events at Trail End - including prohibitions on alcohol consumption - can be found here.
ASK FIRST: Although Trail End doesn’t charge for grounds use as it relates to weddings or large group photo sessions, we would ask that you phone the museum before setting up a photo session to make sure that there are no other events going on at the same time. There have been problems with unscheduled photo sessions interfering with those that were scheduled as part of another event. If you're a photographer planning all-day photo sessions with multiple groups coming throughout the day, we would ask that you rent the grounds so that another event doesn't conflict with yours.
CONFLICTS: If you have not scheduled your shoot and you find another event/shoot under way when you get here, please wait until they are finished before proceeding.
LET US COUNT YOU: Because Trail End gets to count you and your clients as visitors to the site, we would appreciate it if you could pop in the front door and tell the receptionist that you and your group are on the grounds. If the museum is closed, just phone and leave a message saying how many of you were involved.
ALCOHOL & FIREARMS: Alcohol consumption and firearms (loaded or unloaded) are strictly prohibited at the Trail End State Historic Site. THIS IS NOT NEGOTIABLE.
SMOKING: Smoking is not allowed on or near the mansion's porches. The ashtray is provided only for extinguishing and disposing of smoking materials (rather than throwing them on the ground).
RESTROOMS: Public restrooms are available for those who just can’t wait until the photo shoot is over. Children seventeen and under must be accompanied by an adult. Unless the requisite entrance fee is paid, these restrooms are not available for the purpose of changing clothes; please have your clients plan accordingly.
TOURS: If you or your clients would like to tour the museum after your photo session, you are more than welcome to do so. Contact the museum for the current fee schedule, or click here. Children under 18 will be admitted at no cost, but a paying adult must accompany them. It is up to you to let your clients know about these fees.
FURNISHINGS: While you and your clients are more than welcome to sit/pose on the porch furniture, please do not reposition the furniture or remove furnishings from the porches. This includes tables, chairs, benches, planters and/or rugs. If you need a chair for someone to sit on under a tree, for example, please bring your own chair rather than removing one from the porch. The same applies to the benches located in the Carriage House Courtyard.
ELECTRICITY: Electricity is not available on the grounds. If you have equipment that needs power, you will have to provide your own generator or battery pack.
MAIN ENTRANCE: Please don't position large groups in such a way that they block the main (east) entrance for more than a few minutes. If you see visitors approaching, please let them pass into the house. If staff ask you to move (if you’ve blocked the entrance for too long), please accommodate their request.
SIDEWALKS: While working on or near sidewalks, please don't block the way for other visitors; wait for them to pass before continuing your work.
PARKING: Parking is not allowed in the front circular driveway or any of the connecting on-site roadways. If you need to drop off equipment, please move your vehicle to the street immediately afterwards.
CARRIAGE HOUSE: Photo sessions are not allowed in the Carriage House Theater.
ASK FIRST: Although not always practical, we would ask that you contact Trail End prior to planning an indoor photo shoot; due to a variety of circumstances, we may not always be able to accommodate you at the time of your choice.
ENTRANCE FEE: You and your clients over the age of seventeen (17) must pay the museum entry fee. This includes parents who may be accompanying young children. Contact the museum for the current fee schedule, or click here. THIS IS NOT NEGOTIABLE.
FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY: Reflecting a recent change in industry standards, flash photography inside the Kendrick Mansion is now allowed.
LIGHT STANDS: Battery-operated LED light stands will be allowed with prior approval from site staff.
ELECTRICITY: Because of the age and fragility of our in-house power grid, use of Trail End’s electrical outlets is not allowed.
OFF-LIMITS AREAS: Rooms with Plexiglas or rope barriers will not be opened for you. THIS IS NOT NEGOTIABLE. Photos are allowed in open, non-restricted public areas only. This means you can photograph your clients in the following areas: Foyer (first floor), Powder Room (first floor), Kitchen (first floor), Main Staircase (first to third floors), Gallery Wall (second floor) and Ballroom (third floor)
EQUIPMENT STORAGE: For security reasons, equipment cases, changes of clothing and other items must be kept with you and your clients at all times. We do not have a place to store them if you are not using them. You can't leave your bags in the foyer, for example, while you shoot on the third floor; you have to take them with you. If you leave bags or equipment unattended, neither Trail End nor its staff will be held responsible for any damages or loss.
CHANGING CLOTHES: Other than the public restrooms, we do not have a place for your clients to change their clothes. Please have them plan accordingly. If they do change in the restroom, please make sure they do not leave clothes, bags, shoes or other items in the room unattended.
TRIPODS: Please remove spikes from the legs of tripods (or screw down the rubber feet) before setting them up on hardwood or carpeted floors.
NARROW SPACES: Please don't block the way for other visitors; allow them to pass before continuing your work.
PARKING: Parking is not allowed in the front circular driveway or any of the connecting on-site roadways. If you need to drop off equipment, please move your vehicle to the street immediately afterwards.