Before you make final plans for your event at Trail End, there are several restrictions and conditions of which you should be aware (listed below). Just because the following set of guidelines is long, please don't think that we are trying to discourage you from having your event at Trail End. We simply want everyone to be realistic and informed as to what is possible and what is not. We want to prevent any misunderstandings by ensuring that we all know what is permitted and what is prohibited.
If you have any questions about the guidelines, please contact the site superintendent at 307-674-4589 prior to the day of your event. Neither the Trail End Guilds nor the Trail End State Historic Site will be held responsible for misunderstandings based on your misinterpretation of these guidelines, or your failure to read or comply with them.
To schedule your event, please contact the Trail End Guilds at 307-674-4589. Saturdays are very popular for weddings and parties, and are usually filled early. To avoid confusion, we do not book two events for the same day, so it is best to make your decision early.
When you call, we will pencil in the date and send you an Event Reservation form by mail or email attachment (pdf), OR you may download it from the bottom of this page. After we receive the completed form and the requested reservation fee, we will consider the date confirmed. If we do not receive payment within two weeks of initial contact, we will open the date up to other requests.
Rehearsals must be scheduled. There is no extra fee for the rehearsal, but it must be scheduled in order to avoid potential conflict with other events. Please let us know how many people will be involved.
Please let us know if/when you will be taking wedding pictures on the grounds, and how many people will be involved. There is no charge for wedding photos, but we need to schedule your time in order to avoid conflict with other events. Please have your photographer check out our Photography Guidelines.
Regardless of setup, location, or time of year, the following charges will apply for all weddings, parties, receptions and/or other events held on the Trail End Grounds:
Additional fees will apply for all catered events. Because the State of Wyoming Risk Management Office requires insurance and other documentation from caterers, requests for catered events must be submitted in writing at least three months prior to the event.
Reservation fees are fully refundable if your event is canceled ten days or more prior to the scheduled date. No refunds will be made for cancellations made within ten days of the event, including those made because of inclement weather.
You and your guests are required to abide by all Wyoming State Parks, Historic Sites & Trails Rules and Regulations. These regulations are available for viewing at Trail End and via the SPHS website.
You will be held financially responsible for any damages caused by disregarding these guidelines. This includes (not limited to) damage to historic features, flowers, trees, sidewalks, lawns, and underground sprinkler systems.
In compliance with the Wyoming State Parks & Historic Sites Fee Program, everyone aged eighteen or older will be charged a daily use fee in order to tour Trail End (the Kendrick Mansion). Children under 18 will be admitted at no cost, but a paying adult must accompany them. It is up to you to let your event guests know about these fees.
Restrooms are not available on the Trail End grounds. If you are hosting a large event, we recommend renting portable facilities and placing them near the City land on Delphi Avenue. Portable outhouses may not be placed on any lawns, gardens, driveways or sidewalks located on the Trail End State Historic Site grounds.
Restrooms in the mansion will be available for emergency use only during time-limited events (wedding ceremonies without receptions, short photo shoots, etc.)
Rooms in the Kendrick Mansion and/or Carriage House Theater are not available for use as dressing rooms under any circumstances. Brides must come dressed and ready to go. THIS IS NON-NEGOTIABLE.
Trail End’s grounds are available for use between sunrise and nightfall. All summertime grounds events must conclude by 9:00 p.m. or one-half-hour before nightfall, whichever comes first.
Without exception, weddings and other events cannot be held inside the Kendrick Mansion. Because there is always the chance of bad weather, you should make arrangements for either a tent or an alternate location. THIS IS NON-NEGOTIABLE.
You must choose a location for your event at the time you make your reservation. For most events, we recommend either the southeast corner of the grounds near the winding paths or the southwest corner near the orchard. Both areas offer plenty of shade and mountain views. If you can't visit the site yourself, please view this video to get an idea about what the areas are like.
Because we are open to the public seven days a week, our driveways may not be used for events. All driveways (including circular ones) on the east, west and north sides of Trail End and the Carriage House must remain clear of obstructions at all times. Any vehicles temporarily parked in the driveways to load/unload chairs and other event items must be attended at all times, ready to move if necessary.
Because of the high potential for damage, the Rose Garden/Sundial area may only be used for small events of twenty guests or less. Please keep young children out of the gardens.
Small events (twenty guests or less) may be held on the north or south porches of the Kendrick Mansion. Except for very brief photo sessions, the east porch may not be utilized for any event at any time during which the mansion is open for tours. Please check with site staff for the site schedule at the time of your event. Furnishings located on these porches may not be relocated without permission.
Small events of forty guests or less may be held in the Carriage House Courtyard. Events will not be scheduled in the Courtyard on evenings when the Sheridan Civic Theater Guild is holding auditions, rehearsals or productions in the facility (contact the Carriage House by leaving a message at 307-672-9886). The Carriage House Theater (including its restrooms, water and electrical services) is not available to rent for non-theatrical events.
We request that all your guests park on Delphi, Victoria, Clarendon or Pioneer. Those guests requiring handicapped access may park in the two available spaces in the west circular drive. Although one vehicle may be parked near the edge of the east drive (on the pavement) for use by a departing wedding couple, no other parking is allowed on site grounds.
You must supply your own tables, chairs, arches, podiums, tents, sound systems and other furnishings and equipment. Neither Trail End nor the Trail End Guilds have these items.
Tables, chairs, arches, tents, etc., may be set up no sooner than two hours before the event and dismantled no later than two hours after the event. We do not provide on-site security.
You will be responsible for arranging site clean up, including litter, flowers, programs, rice bags, water bottles, etc. A vehicle may park in the east or west circular drive during set-up and clean-up only.
Please check with site personnel in advance before deciding whether or not to set up a tent, canopy or archway. Our underground sprinkler system runs close to the surface and is easily damaged by stakes and poles. If you do not consult with site staff prior to your event, you will be held liable for the cost of repairing any damages that may occur as a result.
Without exception, Trail End will not provide electricity for lights, sound systems, musical instruments, catering equipment, etc. There are no exterior outlets available, and extension cords may not be run from any of the site’s structures. THIS IS NON-NEGOTIABLE.
Trail End does not have catering facilities. If you plan on having your event catered, please have your caterer or event planner contact the Guilds or Trail End site staff as soon as possible to review electrical and water restrictions. As noted above, additional fees will apply for all catered events.
Trail End is located in a residential neighborhood. Any music played or performed as part of your event must be kept at a reasonable sound level and must cease by 9:00 p.m. You may not use Trail End outlets to power any sound systems.
ALCOHOL & FIREARMS - Use of alcohol and firearms (loaded or unloaded) is not permitted on any portion of the Trail End grounds without written permission of the Site Superintendent. This includes champagne toasts. Because the State of Wyoming Risk Management Office requires insurance and other documentation, requests for alcohol and firearm waivers must be submitted in writing at least three months prior to the event. There is no guarantee that a waiver will be granted.
SMOKING - Smoking is not allowed in or around any Trail End structures except in the Carriage House Courtyard. Please provide ashtrays for any areas on the grounds in which smoking will take place.
OPEN FLAMES - Open flames (tiki torches, oil lanterns and candles) are not allowed on the Trail End grounds. The only exception is the temporary lighting of a “unity candle,” used as part of a wedding ceremony.
VISITORS - Because Trail End is a popular state historic site, many people visit each day, particularly on Saturdays in the summer. Be prepared to have your event observed by these visitors.
BIRDSEED VS. RICE - We would prefer that wedding guests throw birdseed instead of rice. Rice will be allowed, however, as long as decorative bags are picked up afterwards (this applies to the bags holding birdseed as well). The bulk of any flower petals should be picked up. Paper or plastic confetti/stars/glitter are not allowed.
DOGS & WILDLIFE - Trail End is home to deer, vultures, rabbits, pheasants, chipmunks, turkeys and other wildlife. Please respect their right to be on the property. All dogs must be on a leash at all times. Please don't allow your dogs (or children) to chase the wildlife.
HORSES, DOVES & BUTTERFLIES - Please advise staff as soon as possible if you plan to have a carriage pick you up, or if you want to release doves or butterflies as part of a wedding ceremony. You must clean up after all animals immediately.
Please download the reservation form, fill it out, and return to Trail End.
This is for weddings consisting of 20 or more people.
After you have called and confirmed your date with us, feel free to pay the fee online here. We will let you know when we receive your payment, and the date will be yours!
This is for weddings consisting of less than 20 people.
After you have called and confirmed your date with us, feel free to pay the fee online here. We will let you know when we receive your payment, and the date will be yours!